Provider Access Policy

Provider Access Policy Statement

Please follow the link to view the Policy 

Assessing the Impact of the Careers Programme at Churchward School

Churchward School is focussed on providing meaningful and appropriate activities for our learners that introduce them to potential future opportunities within the education sector or the world of work.  Our careers programme has developed over the last few years as a result of feedback from all stakeholders including students, staff and the employers that we work with. 

Since the school has opened all of our students have transitioned into education, employment or training.

All of this information is constantly reviewed by careers department, who inform the senior leadership team. Governors are updated on an annual basis consider any necessary adaptations and additions to the programme. 

There are key roles carried out by the following people:


School Role

Careers Role

Sarah Owenson

Deputy Head Teacher 

Careers Leader

Contact Details:

Sarah Owenson
Telephone: 01793 209198


Churchward School Careers Strategy is due to be reviewed in August 2023