Hawking Class Building Self Esteem


This term in Hawking Class, we have been working on building the students' self-esteem and getting them to recognise they have many strengths and they do have the ability to be kind to others and the importance of this. In Hawking Class, the students know each other well and at lunch and break time they get to mix with Obama Class so as a positive activity each of the students had a big piece of paper with a picture of them on it and then we asked each student to write something positive about them, this was such a valuable piece of work as each student was able to see how much they are valued and the strengths they may not believe they have.

The timetable has changed recently so now, on a Tuesday and a Wednesday, we work on building the students' resilience and how they communicate with others. The Students have really enjoyed making and flying paper aeroplanes; which involved everyone listening to each other and working as  part of a team.

As always we are very proud of this class, we are really seeing some great schoolwork being completed as well as building on themselves as a person and for them to get the best out of Churchward School.